My Books

The Ivory Prison (Science fiction novel, Coming soon)

Beneath an artificial sky, a lunar city shimmers with secrets.

Mark awakens after a century of cryogenic sleep, his memories stolen by the long slumber. The Consortium has gifted him a life and work in the idyllic Parthia, a gleaming lunar colony where every need is met, every desire fulfilled.
Yet there is one condition: there is no way back.

Dreams of freedom and autonomy will clash with the Asteroid Mining Consortium’s need for labor as the colonizers struggle to find meaning in their new home, while whispers of rebellion and mysterious deaths hint at a dark struggle preparing to change the fate not only of Parthia but of the entire human species.

In this gripping sci-fi thriller, the needs of the many will collide with those of the few. Can the oppression of the few be justified for the greater good of the planet? Can there be morality in the destabilization of a planet to save the lives of a few?
These are just some of the challenges facing the inhabitants of Parthia, the Ivory Prison.

An Adventure Through Spacetime (Physics book, coming soon)

From the mysteries of quantum physics to the awe-inspiring strangeness of black holes, it is rare to find someone who is not bewildered by the wonders of our universe.

Unfortunately, it is usually difficult for the amateur to find the time and resources to study them properly. Physics books are often either too shallow to provide real insight or too complex to be easily understood by the aficionado.

This book will take you along an intuitive journey from the early days of physics and the discovery of the atom to the mind-bending possibilities of string theory in a way. You need no prior knowledge, just a curious mind, and a nice cup of coffee!